The RDR team is heading to Manila for next week’s RightsCon, an annual conference “bringing together civil society, engineers, activists, lawyers, companies, and governments on the subject of the internet and human rights.” The program is full of great sessions.
If you are coming be sure to join our special session, “Ranking Digital Rights: Setting Clear Standards for Companies” on Day 2, Wednesday March 25 from 9:15-10:30am in room Ruby A. The purpose is to brainstorm with the community about how the data we produce can be used by activists, researchers, and companies themselves.
We will also hold private meetings with activists and companies to answer questions and brainstorm further about how we can make sure that the ranking will be useful to them and have the greatest impact possible.
In addition to our public session and side meetings we will also be active in a number of other great panels. Please come join us! Here is a full list:
Day 1, 12:45-1:45pm – “The GNI: Responsible Company Decision-Making in the ICT Sector” (panelists include: Rebecca MacKinnon)
Day 1, 2:00-3:15pm – “Fix-it Felix: Best Practices for Remedying Violations Against Users” (panelists include: Rebecca MacKinnon)
Day 1, 5:00-6:15pm – Lightning talk by Tim Libert: “Smartphones and Human Rights: Developing Evaluative Criteria for Complex Systems”
Day 2, 9:15-10:30am – “Ranking Digital Rights: Setting Clear Standards for Companies” with the RDR team and speakers Charles Mok (Legislative Council, Hong Kong), Nighat Dad (Digital Rights Foundation, Pakistan) and Donny BU (ICT Watch, Indonesia)
Day 2, 10:45am-12:00pm – “Establishing Due Process & Transparency for Cross-Border Requests: Challenges in SEA” (panelists include: Rebecca MacKinnon)
Day 2, 12:15-1:15pm – “Fostering Freedom Online: The Role of Internet Intermediaries” (panelists include: Allon Bar)
Day 2, 3:00-4:15 – “Democracy 3.0” (panelists include: Rebecca MacKinnon)