A global group of investors with more than $6 trillion in assets have sent letters calling on the 26 tech and telecom companies we ranked in the last RDR Corporate Accountability Index to commit to our core recommendations. We push companies to:
- implement robust human rights governance
- maximize transparency on how policies are implemented
- give users meaningful control over their data and data inferred about them
- account for harms that stem from algorithms and targeted advertising
Coordinated by the Investor Alliance for Human Rights, the campaign comprises nearly 80 investment groups who are applying pressure on technology companies to resolve these long-standing, systemic issues. The significant increase in support for this statement relative to previous years signals an increased desire among investors for good corporate governance and respect for human rights within the tech sector. The investor groups urged companies to implement key corporate governance measures that we at RDR have long pushed for, including strengthened oversight structures to prevent companies from causing or enabling human rights violations.
Ranking Digital Rights is proud to support the Investor Statement on Corporate Accountability for Digital Rights and investors’ direct engagement with some of the largest ICT companies in the world. Through our annual Corporate Accountability Index, we equip investors and advocates alike with the data and analysis they need to draft and promote shareholder resolutions that put human rights first.
We invite investors and asset managers seeking guidance on the human rights risks of technology companies to reach out to us at investors@rankingdigitalrights.org.