Since the publication of the inaugural Ranking Digital Rights Corporate Accountability Index in 2015, digital rights advocates in non-English-speaking contexts have asked for versions of our materials in their language. Early on, in 2015 and 2017, we provided Spanish translations, and last year we expanded this effort to make the RDR Index more accessible, including five more languages—Arabic, Chinese, French, Korean, and Russian. This year, we added German, marking Deutsche Telekom’s inclusion as the first German company in the RDR Index.
This means that four-page summaries of our key findings are now available in the lingua franca of the majority of the 24 internet, mobile, and telecommunications companies we rank—17 of which are headquartered outside the U.S. In addition to translating the key findings and charts of the 2019 RDR Index, we also translated the company report cards of 12 of the non-U.S. companies.
Our hope is that these multilingual materials, provided by Global Voices Translation Services, will facilitate access for civil society actors to our unique datasets, benchmarks, analysis, and recommendations and help them engage more directly and effectively with company representatives and government officials.
Making sure that RDR’s work represents the global reach of the companies we rank as well as the companies’ global geographic distribution is key to our quest to motivate change that improves corporate respect for internet users’ human rights both locally and worldwide.
You can find all our non-English-language materials on our Translations page, and below, you will find the 2019 translations listed by type and language:
Four-page summary of the key findings of the 2019 RDR Index:
Company report cards from the 2019 RDR Index:
- Etisalat and Ooredoo [Arabic]
- Baidu and Tencent [Chinese]
- Orange [French]
- Deutsche Telekom [German]
- Kakao and Samsung [Korean]
- Mail.Ru and Yandex [Russian]
- América Móvil and Telefónica [Spanish]
An overview of the methodology is also available in select languages:
If you have any questions regarding the methodology, translations, or company report cards, please contact us at info@rankingdigitalrights.org.