Orange S.A.
Headquartered in France, Orange provides mobile, landline, broadband, and digital media services. With 266 million users across 26 countries across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, Orange is the 10th largest mobile telecommunications company in the world.
Orange was the lowest-scoring European telecommunications company in the 2020 RDR Index. Orange operates in several volatile countries, where governments are prone to censorship and network shutdown orders. In Guinea, the company carried out a government-ordered shutdown during a controversial presidential referendum, but offered little transparency around its handling of the order. Orange performed poorly on our indicators measuring various issues related to freedom of expression and information, including network shutdowns. In this category, it scored lower than MTN, one of its primary competitors in sub-Saharan Africa.
The 2020 RDR Index covers policies that were active between February 8, 2019, and September 15, 2020. Policies that came into effect after September 15, 2020 were not evaluated for this Index.
Scores reflect the average score across the services we evaluated, with each service weighted equally.
We rank companies on their governance, and on their policies and practices affecting freedom of expression and privacy.
Orange made no improvements on governance in 2020 but its performance in this category was far stronger than it was in the other two categories, with lack of comprehensive human rights due diligence as its most notable shortcoming.
Orange earned one of the lowest scores in this category, lagging far behind its European peers and South Africa’s MTN.
Orange made slight progress on security and on transparency regarding demands for user information, but remained the lowest-scoring European company in the privacy category.