C1. Policy and leadership

A: Does the company make explicit, prominent, and clearly articulated policy commitment to human rights including freedom of expression and privacy?

B: Do senior executives of the company make meaningful commitment to advance users’ freedom of expression and privacy?

  • Executive-level comment: a senior executive has made statements in a prominent venue. Possible score: 100
  • Managerial-level comment: company managers or spokesperson(s) have made statements in a prominent venue. Possible score: 50
  • no/insufficient evidence: company representatives have not made related statements in a prominent venue. Possible score: 0

Guidance: This indicator seeks evidence that the company and the people who lead the company have made public commitments about the importance of freedom of expression and privacy.

Evaluation: This indicator is evaluated in two parts. A company can only receive full credit for this indicator if it receives a “Yes” for part A and “executive-level comment” for part B. We expect to see company commitments that relate to both freedom of expression and privacy.

Potential sources:

  • Company human rights policy
  • A company’s listing of its executive leadership team to identify who the company defines to be executive-level (for element B1). Company organization chart, annual reports, or proxy statements may also identify who is part of the company’s executive leadership team.
  • Major media outlets
  • Recordings or transcripts from public conferences
  • Public responses, letters, or other communications with legislators or government agencies
  • Public communications with civil society organizations
  • Company blog posts (with author clearly listed)

For more information, click here for a glossary of terms.

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