This indicator only applies to internet companies.
A. The company discloses that it collects no user information.
B. If not, does the company satisfy any of the following elements?
1. The company clearly explains how it may collect user information from third parties (e.g. use of a widget or advertising service).
2. The company clearly states how it uses the information it collects.
3. The company clearly states how it retains information it collects.
4. The company respects user-generated signals (e.g. “Do Not Track” headers) to opt-out of data collection.
Guidance: We expect companies to disclose what user information they collect from third parties. This helps users understand how their activities outside the service can affect their use of the service.
Evaluation: If a company’s disclosure states that it does not collect any user information from third parties, fulfilling element A, the company receives full credit for the indicator. If a company does not fulfill element A, the researcher will look for company disclosure to meet the checklist elements of B. A company can only receive partial credit if its disclosure meets all elements in the B checklist.
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