C4. Impact assessment

Does the company conduct regular, comprehensive, and credible due diligence, such as human rights impact assessments, to identify how all aspects of their business impact freedom of expression and privacy?

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

Guidance: This indicator examines whether companies disclose the existence of any human rights impact assessment (HRIA) process including freedom of expression and privacy (See definition and references in Appendix 1.)

Note that this indicator does not expect companies to publish detailed results of their human rights impact assessments, since a thorough assessment includes sensitive information. Rather, it expects that companies should disclose that they conduct HRIAs and provide information on what their HRIA process encompasses.

While this indicator uses the language of human rights impact assessments, companies may use different names for this review process. What companies call their process is less important than what the process encompasses and accomplishes. This indicator will include a review of Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) and other assessment processes that contain characteristics or components listed in this indicator but are not necessarily called “human rights impact assessments.”

Evaluation: This indicator is scored using a checklist, meaning companies can only receive full credit if they demonstrate that their assessment process addresses all elements in the checklist. If a company conducts HRIAs, but there is no public disclosure of the fact that it does so, the company will not receive credit.

Potential sources:

  • Company CSR/sustainability reports
  • Company human rights policy
  • Regulatory documents (e.g., U.S. Federal Trade Commission)
  • Reports from third-party assessors or accreditors
  • Global Network Initiative assessment reports

For more information, click here for a glossary of terms.

Overall Company Performance

YahooGoogleMicrosoftVodafoneOrangeFacebookKakaoAT&TAmerica MovilAxiataBharti AirtelEtisalatMTNMail.RuTencentTwitter0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%

Company Performance

Expand Collapse

group America Movil operating company Telcel Mobile
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

0  America Movil  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  America Movil  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  America Movil  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  America Movil  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

0  America Movil  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  America Movil  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  America Movil  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  America Movil  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  America Movil  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  America Movil  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

0  America Movil  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  America Movil  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  America Movil  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  America Movil  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  America Movil  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  America Movil  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  America Movil  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  America Movil  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Telcel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group At&t Mobile Fixed Broadband
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 50 50 50 50 50 50
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

0  At&t  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  At&t  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

50  At&t  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  At&t  (Privacy) : partial

50  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Mobile  (Privacy) : partial

50  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : partial

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

0  At&t  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  At&t  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  At&t  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  At&t  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  At&t  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  At&t  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

0  At&t  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  At&t  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  At&t  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  At&t  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  At&t  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  At&t  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  At&t  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  At&t  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Axiata operating company Celcom Mobile
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

0  Axiata  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Axiata  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  Axiata  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Axiata  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

0  Axiata  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Axiata  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Axiata  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Axiata  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Axiata  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Axiata  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

0  Axiata  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Axiata  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  Axiata  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Axiata  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Axiata  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Axiata  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Axiata  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Axiata  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Celcom  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

Expand Collapse

group Bharti Airtel operating company Airtel India Mobile Fixed Broadband
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

0  Bharti Airtel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bharti Airtel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  Bharti Airtel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bharti Airtel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

0  Bharti Airtel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bharti Airtel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Bharti Airtel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bharti Airtel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Bharti Airtel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bharti Airtel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

0  Bharti Airtel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bharti Airtel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  Bharti Airtel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bharti Airtel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Bharti Airtel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bharti Airtel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Bharti Airtel  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bharti Airtel  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Airtel India  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Etisalat operating company Etisalat Uae Mobile Fixed Broadband
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

0  Etisalat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  Etisalat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

0  Etisalat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Etisalat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Etisalat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

0  Etisalat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  Etisalat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Etisalat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Etisalat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Etisalat Uae  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Facebook social network Facebook IM & calls Whatsapp social network Instagram
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 50 50 50 50 0 0 50 50
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 50 50 50 50 0 0 50 50
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 50 50 50 50 0 0 50 50
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

50  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Facebook  (Privacy) : partial

50  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Facebook  (Privacy) : partial

0  Whatsapp  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

50  Instagram  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Instagram  (Privacy) : partial

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

50  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Facebook  (Privacy) : partial

50  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Facebook  (Privacy) : partial

0  Whatsapp  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

50  Instagram  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Instagram  (Privacy) : partial

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

50  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Facebook  (Privacy) : partial

50  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Facebook  (Privacy) : partial

0  Whatsapp  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

50  Instagram  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Instagram  (Privacy) : partial

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Facebook  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Whatsapp  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Instagram  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Google search engine Search mail service Gmail video/photo Youtube
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

100  Google  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Google  (Privacy) : yes

100  Search  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Search  (Privacy) : yes

100  Gmail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Gmail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Youtube  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Youtube  (Privacy) : yes

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

50  Google  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Google  (Privacy) : partial

50  Search  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Search  (Privacy) : partial

50  Gmail  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Gmail  (Privacy) : partial

50  Youtube  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Youtube  (Privacy) : partial

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

100  Google  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Google  (Privacy) : yes

100  Search  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Search  (Privacy) : yes

100  Gmail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Gmail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Youtube  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Youtube  (Privacy) : yes

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Google  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Google  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Search  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Gmail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Gmail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Youtube  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Youtube  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Google  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Google  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Search  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Gmail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Gmail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Youtube  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Youtube  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

100  Google  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Google  (Privacy) : yes

100  Search  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Search  (Privacy) : yes

100  Gmail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Gmail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Youtube  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Youtube  (Privacy) : yes

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

100  Google  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Google  (Privacy) : yes

100  Search  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Search  (Privacy) : yes

100  Gmail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Gmail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Youtube  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Youtube  (Privacy) : yes

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

100  Google  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Google  (Privacy) : yes

100  Search  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Search  (Privacy) : yes

100  Gmail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Gmail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Youtube  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Youtube  (Privacy) : yes

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

100  Google  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Google  (Privacy) : yes

100  Search  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Search  (Privacy) : yes

100  Gmail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Gmail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Youtube  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Youtube  (Privacy) : yes



Expand Collapse

group Kakao search engine Daum Search mail service Daum Mail IM & calls Kakaotalk
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

0  Kakao  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakao  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  Kakao  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakao  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

0  Kakao  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

100  Kakao  (Privacy) : yes

0  Daum Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

100  Daum Search  (Privacy) : yes

0  Daum Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

100  Daum Mail  (Privacy) : yes

0  Kakaotalk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

100  Kakaotalk  (Privacy) : yes

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Kakao  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakao  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Kakao  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakao  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

0  Kakao  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

50  Kakao  (Privacy) : partial

0  Daum Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

50  Daum Search  (Privacy) : partial

0  Daum Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

50  Daum Mail  (Privacy) : partial

0  Kakaotalk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

50  Kakaotalk  (Privacy) : partial

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  Kakao  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakao  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Kakao  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakao  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Kakao  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakao  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Search  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Daum Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Kakaotalk  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Mail.ru social network Vkontakte mail service Mail Mail.ru Agent
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

0  Mail.ru  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  Mail.ru  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

0  Mail.ru  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Mail.ru  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Mail.ru  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

0  Mail.ru  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  Mail.ru  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Mail.ru  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Mail.ru  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vkontakte  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mail.ru Agent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Microsoft search engine Bing mail service Outlook.com IM & calls Skype
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

100  Microsoft  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Microsoft  (Privacy) : yes

100  Bing  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Bing  (Privacy) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Privacy) : yes

100  Skype  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Skype  (Privacy) : yes

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

50  Microsoft  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Microsoft  (Privacy) : partial

50  Bing  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Bing  (Privacy) : partial

50  Outlook.com  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Outlook.com  (Privacy) : partial

50  Skype  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Skype  (Privacy) : partial

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

100  Microsoft  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Microsoft  (Privacy) : yes

100  Bing  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Bing  (Privacy) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Privacy) : yes

100  Skype  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Skype  (Privacy) : yes

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Microsoft  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Microsoft  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bing  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bing  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Outlook.com  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Outlook.com  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Skype  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Skype  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Microsoft  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Microsoft  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bing  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Bing  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Outlook.com  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Outlook.com  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Skype  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Skype  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

100  Microsoft  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Microsoft  (Privacy) : yes

100  Bing  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Bing  (Privacy) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Privacy) : yes

100  Skype  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Skype  (Privacy) : yes

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

100  Microsoft  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Microsoft  (Privacy) : yes

100  Bing  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Bing  (Privacy) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Privacy) : yes

100  Skype  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Skype  (Privacy) : yes

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

100  Microsoft  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Microsoft  (Privacy) : yes

100  Bing  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Bing  (Privacy) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Privacy) : yes

100  Skype  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Skype  (Privacy) : yes

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

100  Microsoft  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Microsoft  (Privacy) : yes

100  Bing  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Bing  (Privacy) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Outlook.com  (Privacy) : yes

100  Skype  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Skype  (Privacy) : yes



Expand Collapse

group Mtn operating company Mtn South Africa Mobile
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

0  Mtn  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  Mtn  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

0  Mtn  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Mtn  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Mtn  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

0  Mtn  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  Mtn  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Mtn  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Mtn  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mtn South Africa  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Orange operating company Orange France Mobile Fixed Broadband
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

100  Orange  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Orange  (Privacy) : yes

100  Orange France  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Orange France  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mobile  (Privacy) : yes

100  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : yes

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

100  Orange  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Orange  (Privacy) : yes

100  Orange France  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Orange France  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mobile  (Privacy) : yes

100  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : yes

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

100  Orange  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Orange  (Privacy) : yes

100  Orange France  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Orange France  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mobile  (Privacy) : yes

100  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : yes

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Orange  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Orange  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Orange France  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Orange France  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

50  Orange  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Orange  (Privacy) : partial

50  Orange France  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Orange France  (Privacy) : partial

50  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Mobile  (Privacy) : partial

50  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : partial

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

50  Orange  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Orange  (Privacy) : partial

50  Orange France  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Orange France  (Privacy) : partial

50  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Mobile  (Privacy) : partial

50  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : partial

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

50  Orange  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Orange  (Privacy) : partial

50  Orange France  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Orange France  (Privacy) : partial

50  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Mobile  (Privacy) : partial

50  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : partial

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Orange  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Orange  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Orange France  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Orange France  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Orange  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Orange  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Orange France  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Orange France  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Fixed Broadband  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Tencent social network Qzone IM & calls Qq IM & calls Wechat
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

0  Tencent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Tencent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  Tencent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Tencent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

0  Tencent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Tencent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Tencent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Tencent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Tencent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Tencent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

0  Tencent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Tencent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  Tencent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Tencent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Tencent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Tencent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Tencent  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Tencent  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qzone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Qq  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Wechat  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Twitter social network Twitter video/photo Vine
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Twitter  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vine  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Vodafone operating company Vodafone Uk Mobile
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 100 100 100 100 100 100
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 0 50 0 50 0 50
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 100 100 100 100 100 100
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 100 100 100 100 100 100
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 100 100 100 100 100 100
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 0 100 0 100 0 100
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

100  Vodafone  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Vodafone  (Privacy) : yes

100  Vodafone Uk  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Vodafone Uk  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mobile  (Privacy) : yes

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

0  Vodafone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

50  Vodafone  (Privacy) : partial

0  Vodafone Uk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

50  Vodafone Uk  (Privacy) : partial

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

50  Mobile  (Privacy) : partial

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

100  Vodafone  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Vodafone  (Privacy) : yes

100  Vodafone Uk  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Vodafone Uk  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mobile  (Privacy) : yes

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

0  Vodafone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vodafone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vodafone Uk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vodafone Uk  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

100  Vodafone  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Vodafone  (Privacy) : yes

100  Vodafone Uk  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Vodafone Uk  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mobile  (Privacy) : yes

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

100  Vodafone  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Vodafone  (Privacy) : yes

100  Vodafone Uk  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Vodafone Uk  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mobile  (Privacy) : yes

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

0  Vodafone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

100  Vodafone  (Privacy) : yes

0  Vodafone Uk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

100  Vodafone Uk  (Privacy) : yes

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

100  Mobile  (Privacy) : yes

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

0  Vodafone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vodafone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vodafone Uk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vodafone Uk  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

0  Vodafone  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vodafone  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vodafone Uk  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Vodafone Uk  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Freedom of Expression) : no/insufficient evidence

0  Mobile  (Privacy) : no/insufficient evidence



Expand Collapse

group Yahoo mail service Mail video/photo Flickr blog Tumblr
Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy Freedom of Expression Privacy
1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Expand Collapse

1. The company examines laws affecting privacy and freedom of expression in jurisdictions where it operates and uses this analysis to inform company policies and practices.

100  Yahoo  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Yahoo  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Flickr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Flickr  (Privacy) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Privacy) : yes

2. The company regularly assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with existing products and services.

50  Yahoo  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Yahoo  (Privacy) : partial

50  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Mail  (Privacy) : partial

50  Flickr  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Flickr  (Privacy) : partial

50  Tumblr  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Tumblr  (Privacy) : partial

3. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with a new activity, including the launch and/or acquisition of new products or services or entry into new markets.

100  Yahoo  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Yahoo  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Flickr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Flickr  (Privacy) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Privacy) : yes

4. The company assesses free expression and privacy risks associated with the processes and mechanisms used to enforce its Terms of Service.

50  Yahoo  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Yahoo  (Privacy) : partial

50  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Mail  (Privacy) : partial

50  Flickr  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Flickr  (Privacy) : partial

50  Tumblr  (Freedom of Expression) : partial

50  Tumblr  (Privacy) : partial

5. The company conducts in-depth due diligence wherever the company’s risk assessments identify concerns.

100  Yahoo  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Yahoo  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Flickr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Flickr  (Privacy) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Privacy) : yes

6. Senior executives and/or members of the company’s board of directors review and consider the results of assessments and due diligence in strategic decision-making for the company.

100  Yahoo  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Yahoo  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Flickr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Flickr  (Privacy) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Privacy) : yes

7. The company conducts assessments on a regular schedule.

100  Yahoo  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Yahoo  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Flickr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Flickr  (Privacy) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Privacy) : yes

8. The company’s assessment is assured by an external third party.

100  Yahoo  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Yahoo  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Flickr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Flickr  (Privacy) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Privacy) : yes

9. The external third party that assures the assessment is accredited to a relevant and reputable human rights standard by a credible organization.

100  Yahoo  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Yahoo  (Privacy) : yes

100  Mail  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Mail  (Privacy) : yes

100  Flickr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Flickr  (Privacy) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Freedom of Expression) : yes

100  Tumblr  (Privacy) : yes