1. The company explains the reason(s) why it may restrict a user’s account.
2. The company explains why it may shut down or restrict service to a particular area or group of users (where applicable).
3. The company provides specific examples of situations that may trigger restriction or denial of service by the company.
Guidance: Indicator F3 examines company disclosure of restrictions on what users can post or do on a service, while this indicator looks at company disclosure of restrictions on a user’s ability to access a service. Companies can restrict access to a service by deleting a user’s account or by shutting down a service entirely. We expect companies to explain to their users the circumstances under which they might take such action.
Evaluation:** This indicator is scored using a checklist, meaning companies can only receive full credit if their disclosure meets all elements in the checklist. Element 2 is only applicable to telecommunications companies; Internet companies will receive a N/A (non-applicable) score for element 2. Internet companies must fulfill elements 1 and 3 to receive full credit for this indicator.
Potential sources:
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